Memory Improvement eBooks
Douglas J. Herrmann is Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology at Indiana State University in the USA. He has published several scientific books and studies of memory, as well as a number of successful books on memory improvement, including Supermemory.
Michael M. Gruneberg is a visiting professor at Indiana and previously senior lecturer in psychology at Swansea University. He has published numerous scientific books and papers on the practical aspects of memory. He has also published the highly successful Linkword Language courses, which use memory aids to speed up foreign language learning.
Both authors are past Presidents of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
Improve your Memory: How to Cure your Memory Failures
Dozens of Proven Methods from Two World Experts
Douglas J. Herrmann and Michael M. Gruneberg
In this Book, two of the world’s leading memory experts risk their reputations by describing their most embarrassing memory failures. Using an entirely novel approach, they show the causes of these memory failures, how they have learned to avoid them – and how you can do the same.
This eBook has 128 pages in total.
On going investigations
Part I Real-life Memory Failures
Chapter 1 Stories of Memory Failures
Embarrassing Incidents
Blows to Self-confidence?
Annoying or Inconveniencing Yourself
Annoying or Inconveniencing Others
Causing Damage
Appearing Dishonest
Appearing Foolish
Appearing Incompetent
Offending Others
Appearing Rude
Part II The Nature of Memory Failures
Chapter 2 What Are Memory Failures?
Why Memory Fails
Part III Overcoming Memory Failures
Chapter 3 Improving Your Memory
Useful Techniques
Chapter 4 Self-care and Memory Improvement
Self-care and the Human Memory System
Assessing Your Readiness for Memory Tasks
Improving Your Readiness for Memory Tasks
Chapter 5 The Lessons of Memory Failures
Strategies for Reducing Memory Failures
Epilogue: Unsolved Mysteries Appendix: The Memory Failure Questionnaire
Further Reading
Buy Improve Your Memory eBook $9.99
Your Memory Is Better Than You Think And How Anyone Can Improve It
Michael M. Gruneberg and Douglas J. Herrmann
Many popular books have been written on memory. Almost all of these tell the user how to improve their memory, and they all give advice that works. Thus, while this book will also show you how you can use memory aids and memory devices to improve your memory for names, faces, foreign languages, ideas, examinations and many other useful tasks, it does much more than this.
This eBook has 174 pages in total.